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Breathwork is a profoundly effective breathing technique and therapeutic process that 

  • activates the body’s natural healing, 

  • promotes self-exploration and self-awareness

  • offers a path to conscious personal transformation


Breathwork is an intelligent and precise life tool that can:

  • release stress, anxiety and depression 

  • shift unhelpful beliefs and entrenched habits and behaviour patterns 

  • heal life hurts and traumas such as birth, loss, death and suffering

  • support confident, conscious choice in the decision-making process

  • break through our entrenched emotional blocks in order to navigate change and embrace our full potential

  • improve self-awareness and the ability to re-program behaviours for greater presence and joy in life


-taken from the Australian Breathwork Association website

How does breathwork work?

Breathwork can be conducted in large or small groups as well as in individual sessions. In either setting, it is facilitated by a trained professional Breathwork Practitioner who supports and guides your process.

During A Session  
Pre-Briefing - A Breathwork session begins with a pre-briefing with the Breathwork Practitioner to establish connection, share your personal history and set an intention for the Breathwork session. 

​Session - After the interview, the session begins with you lying down and the Breathwork Practitioner sitting nearby. The session will take generally an hour to complete with the Breathwork Practitioner gently guiding your breathing and supporting you to let go of mind chatter, notice body sensations and be aware of memories or images that surface throughout the time. 

Post-Briefing - Following the session, the Breathwork Practitioner conducts a de-briefing that help you summarise your experience and discuss any insights and understandings that may have come to light for you.

Experiences During A Session
While the quality and content of a Breathwork session is unique to each person’s intentions, needs and their particular life situation, there are some recurring themes that are often experienced:

  • Physical tingling, tightness, cramping or numbness are possible, sensations of energy moving through the body and feelings of peace, calm and connection within the body 

  • Mental, past memories, early childhood or birth events might come to awareness along with the ability to recognise learned limiting behaviours that impede well-being

  • Spiritual awareness of bliss, unity and connection to a universal presence

 Post Breathwork session outcomes
A Breathwork session can deliver immediate experiences and clear awareness that are life-changing in the moment. The session can also result in more subtle effects that may even seem like nothing happened. No matter the experience in the session, Breathwork opens the door to experiencing more of life in the present because it resolves the influences, traumas and stored emotions of the past.
When the effects of Breathwork integrate into life, it changes and shifts outlooks, values, choices, decisions and behaviours. As the safety of the process meets the participant’s desire to transform, Breathwork offers profound, limitless possibility for growth and resilience in life. 

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